I think alliteration is always nice but here is the one I like the best. Overwatch Fan-Short: Lootbox’d
Actual alliterations: Lootbox lols (I hate lol and I feel many people would agree)
Looney Lootboxes
Loopy Lootboxes
Lootbox lunacy (I like this one)
Lootbox losers
Lootbox Lotto
Lootbox 5 the electric jive (a terrible play on “___ 2: The electric boogaloo”
I think alliteration is always nice but here is the one I like the best. Overwatch Fan-Short: Lootbox’d
Actual alliterations: Lootbox lols (I hate lol and I feel many people would agree)
Looney Lootboxes
Loopy Lootboxes
Lootbox lunacy (I like this one)
Lootbox losers
Lootbox Lotto
Lootbox 5 the electric jive (a terrible play on “___ 2: The electric boogaloo”
Nice ones, thanks! :) I like Lootbox lunacy aswell! :P